Kiln Dried Firewood

Hardwood and Softwood Firewood Kiln dried and tested, ensuring that moisture is removed from the logs, allowing you to use them from the day of purchase.

Collect or arrange a local delivery at a competitive price.

GREAT PRICE: Our firewood can be purchased at a very competitive price, at a lower cost than local providers. Get your order in while stocks last!

As we move closer to the winter months, preparing for the colder weather is essential. That’s why we offer a wide range of hardwood and softwood firewood, specially kiln-dried and tested. By removing the moisture from the logs, we ensure you can use them right after purchase - perfect for those chilly evenings by the fireplace.

Whether you prefer to collect the firewood or have it conveniently delivered to your doorstep, we’ve got you covered. Our local delivery service is available at a competitive price, making it even easier for you to get the firewood you need without breaking the bank.

And here’s the best part - our firewood is offered at a great price! Our rates are lower than those of local providers, allowing you to save money while still enjoying the quality and convenience of our products.

Stocks are limited, so place your order soon before they run out!

Get ready for the winter months ahead with our high-quality firewood. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity - order now and stay warm throughout the season!

Why Kiln-dried?

If you're looking for the best firewood for your fireplace or wood-burning stove, kiln-dried firewood is an excellent option. Kiln-dried firewood is simply firewood that has been dried in a kiln - a large oven-like appliance.

This process removes the moisture from the wood, making it easier to burn and giving it a longer burning time. It also makes the wood less likely to spark and pop, making it safer to use in your home. Kiln-dried firewood is also ideal for those looking for a specific firewood type. Whether you need hardwood or softwood, kiln-dried firewood is available in both varieties. Hardwood is preferred for burning because it produces a hotter fire and produces less smoke. Softwood is better for starting a fire and produces more smoke, making it ideal for smoking food. Overall, kiln-dried firewood is an excellent choice for anyone looking for safe, efficient, and long-burning firewood.

With the right type of firewood, you can enjoy a cozy fire all winter long!

Bags of Kindling

Kindling bags can be purchased at a very competitive price, at a lower cost than local providers.

Delivery negotiable

Please contact the office for enquiries


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